Be sure to try: What can i drink to reduce inflammation?

The Power of Anti-Inflammatory Drinks

Similar to high blood pressure, chronic low-grade inflammation silently lurks within, manifesting through subtle symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, joint pain, skin issues, and digestive discomfort. Recognizing these symptoms can be challenging, yet they might signal the presence of chronic low-grade inflammation—an immune system response generating inflammatory substances to combat injury and disease. It’s a double-edged sword, where a beneficial immune response transforms into a lingering, detrimental force.

While short-term inflammation serves as a shield against attacks, prolonged inflammation poses risks to our cellular health. Often induced by poor lifestyle choices, chronic inflammation gradually damages our cells. The culprits lie in the substances we introduce to our bodies—tobacco smoke, chemicals, red meat, alcohol, sugary, and highly-processed foods. Transforming our habits becomes a pivotal strategy in mitigating inflammation, with a simple and effective starting point being the incorporation of anti-inflammatory drinks into our routine.

In our quest to unveil the best drinks for inflammation, we consulted expert dietitians to explore the intricate relationship between food, beverages, and inflammatory responses. If the specter of chronic, low-grade inflammation looms over your well-being, continue reading to discover beverages that can efficiently aid in its reduction. For additional insights into promoting overall health and alleviating symptoms associated with inflammation, delve into our guide on “6 Foods That Reduce Inflammation and Slow Aging.” Elevate your well-being by sipping your way to reduced inflammation.

What can i drink to reduce inflammation?

  1. Pineapple juice
  2. Green tea
  3. Ginger tea
  4. Lemon water
  5. Coffee
  6. Celery juice
  7. Tart cherry juice
  8. Warm turmeric milk
  9. Bone broth

Pineapple juice

Harnessing Nature’s Power: Bromelain, Pineapple’s Anti-Inflammatory Alchemy

In the realm of natural remedies, bromelain emerges as a well-researched and potent anti-inflammatory, generously bestowed upon us by the pineapple. A comprehensive review featured in the journal Foods in 2021 delved into various studies exploring bromelain’s therapeutic prowess. This enzyme showcases remarkable potential in treating conditions ranging from cancer, burns, and cardiovascular diseases (thanks to its anti-coagulant properties) to addressing allergies, sinusitis, and arthritis. A key factor contributing to bromelain’s effectiveness lies in its high bioavailability, ensuring swift absorption by the body and sustained potency.

Scientific investigations have unveiled bromelain’s dual action, manifesting as both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects in patients grappling with rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, studies indicate its efficacy in alleviating knee pain and inflammation among those with osteoarthritis. Beyond its joint-related benefits, pineapple juice, particularly when consumed post-exercise, exhibits a potential to assuage post-workout inflammation. This attribute is attributed to the richness of potassium in pineapple, aiding in muscle repair and alleviating soreness.

While bromelain is present throughout the pineapple, the majority of this therapeutic compound is nestled in the often overlooked stem. To unlock the full potential of this natural elixir, consider blending or juicing the slightly robust core with the sweeter flesh, creating a delightful and potent anti-inflammatory concoction. Embrace the healing essence of pineapple and let nature’s remedy empower your well-being.

Green tea

The Potent Elixir of Green Tea

In the realm of healthful elixirs, green tea stands tall as one of the most beneficial beverages you can savor.

Pioneering members of the Eat This, Not That! Medical Expert Board, Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, CDN, CFT, and Lyssie Lakatos, RD, CDN, CFT, renowned as the Nutrition Twins, extol the virtues of green tea. Brimming with disease-fighting antioxidants, green tea boasts the additional firepower of EGCG, an antioxidant renowned for its ability to amplify fat burning and boost metabolism.

Within the realm of green tea variations, matcha takes center stage. Recognized for its elevated concentration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a potent anti-inflammatory polyphenol, matcha emerges as a stellar choice. Various studies hint at the potential of matcha green tea in alleviating symptoms associated with inflammatory disorders. A 2022 report featured in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness highlights that green tea polyphenols play a pivotal role in fortifying the epithelial barrier in the gut. This, in turn, supports the maintenance of a healthy composition of gut microbes, showcasing promise in enhancing outcomes for individuals grappling with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Embrace the soothing and revitalizing power of matcha green tea, paving the way for improved well-being.

Ginger tea

Nature’s Soothing Anti-Inflammatory Tea

Indulge in the comforting embrace of ginger tea, a beverage that transcends boundaries whether enjoyed warm or as a refreshing iced variant. This delightful spice, cherished for millennia, serves as a balm for upset stomachs and nausea while wielding the power to alleviate pain.

Steeped in tradition, ginger emerges as more than just a flavor enhancer; it’s a formidable ally against inflammation. The Arthritis Foundation attests to its potential as a natural remedy to alleviate soreness stemming from inflamed joints. A noteworthy study conducted at the University of Miami delved into the effects of ginger extract compared to a placebo in 247 patients grappling with knee osteoarthritis. The findings were compelling—ginger not only reduced pain but also mitigated stiffness by an impressive 40% more than its placebo counterpart.

Beyond its anti-inflammatory prowess, ginger is hailed by some researchers for its analgesic properties, positioning it as a multifaceted remedy—a pain reliever that stands tall in the realm of natural healing. Embrace the wholesome and delectable benefits of ginger tea, a time-honored elixir seamlessly blending tradition with wellness.

Lemon water

A Flavorful Anti-Inflammatory Elixir

For those seeking a revitalizing beverage that transcends the simplicity of water while offering anti-inflammatory benefits, the answer lies in the refreshing allure of lemon water.

Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD, from Balance One Supplements, highlights the potency of lemon water as a robust antioxidant and anti-inflammatory elixir, courtesy of its rich vitamin C content. According to her insights, the antioxidants present in lemons play a pivotal role in curbing oxidative stress—a primary instigator of inflammation. A study featured in Drug Design, Development, and Therapy further underscores the anti-inflammatory prowess of vitamin C. In the study, vitamin C demonstrated its efficacy in reducing inflammation among obese participants grappling with hypertension or diabetes. This reduction was achieved by lowering fasting blood glucose levels and influencing key inflammatory markers such as C-reactive proteins and interleukin.

Embrace the simplicity of a daily glass of lemon water, not just as a tantalizing thirst-quencher, but as a delightful routine that harmoniously combines flavor with inflammation-fighting benefits.


Coffee’s Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouse

For avid coffee enthusiasts, here’s a reason to celebrate your morning ritual: that cup (or two) of Joe might just be your ally in the fight against inflammation. Revel in the delightful aroma and rich flavor, knowing that your coffee indulgence comes with a side of anti-inflammatory goodness.

A comprehensive review featured in the BMJ sheds light on coffee’s remarkable properties, attributing its anti-inflammatory prowess to key compounds—kahweol, cafestol, and the beloved caffeine. These components not only contribute to the beverage’s enticing taste but also endow it with anti-cancer, antioxidant, antifibrotic, and anti-inflammatory qualities.

To fully harness coffee’s anti-inflammatory potential, consider savoring it in its purest form: black. Research suggests that steering clear of added sugars is pivotal in maximizing the beverage’s benefits, as diets high in sugar have been linked to increased inflammation. If the idea of black coffee isn’t your cup of tea—so to speak—opt for minimal added sugar or choose coffee creamers that don’t tip the scale towards excessive sweetness. Strike the right balance, and let your daily coffee fix be a flavorful and health-conscious choice.

Celery juice

Unveiling the Potency of Celery Juice: A Natural Anti-Inflammatory Elixir

While some may dismiss celery juice as a fleeting health trend, its potential impact on inflammation makes it a noteworthy elixir worth considering. Beyond its trendy status, celery juice emerges as a potent ally in the quest for wellness.

Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD, from Balance One Supplements, emphasizes the digestive benefits of celery juice, attributing its efficacy to fiber content. By promoting improved digestion and mitigating the risk of constipation, celery juice contributes to overall gut health. Studies even suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties inherent in celery juice could be instrumental in lowering the risk of chronic ailments like heart disease and diabetes.

Hydration, a cornerstone of well-being, finds an unexpected supporter in celery juice. Boasting a high water content, celery, when juiced, becomes a refreshing source to elevate fluid intake and enhance hydration. Trista Best underscores the connection between hydration levels and inflammation markers, as evidenced in research published by the American Society for Clinical Investigation. Optimal hydration not only aids in inflammation reduction but also plays a role in preventing chronic age-related diseases.

So, next time you reach for that glass of celery juice, know that you’re not just following a trend; you’re embracing a natural anti-inflammatory elixir with the potential to foster overall health and well-being.

Tart cherry juice

Discover the Heart-Healthy Sweetness of Tart Cherry Juice

Indulging in the delightful taste of cherry juice takes on a healthful twist with the addition of tart cherries. Beyond being a sweet treat, tart cherry juice has proven benefits that extend to cardiovascular health, making it a deliciously nutritious choice.

Research suggests that incorporating tart cherry juice into your routine may contribute to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Specifically, studies highlight its potential to lower blood pressure and decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. A noteworthy 2019 study published in the journal Nutrients sheds light on the heart-healthy effects, attributing them to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties inherent in tart cherry juice.

In a controlled clinical trial involving 37 participants aged 65 to 80, individuals were assigned to consume either 2 cups of tart cherry juice daily or a control drink over 12 weeks. The results were compelling—only those who consumed the cherry juice experienced a significant reduction in inflammation markers, including c-reactive protein, when compared to the control group. This outcome underscores the potential of tart cherry juice to positively impact cardiovascular health by addressing inflammation.

So, if you’re seeking a flavorful and health-boosting beverage, a glass of tart cherry juice might just be the sweet solution your heart desires.

Warm turmeric milk

Embrace the Golden Goodness of Turmeric for Inflammation Relief

Turmeric, with its vibrant yellow-orange hue, harbors a potent anti-inflammatory compound known as curcumin. Renowned for its ability to mitigate the risk of chronic diseases and alleviate inflammatory pain, turmeric stands out as a natural remedy with impressive benefits. A compelling 2019 study delved into the efficacy of turmeric, focusing on 139 patients grappling with knee osteoarthritis.

In this study, participants were divided into two groups. One group diligently took a turmeric capsule three times a day, while the other relied on a 50-milligram tablet of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac twice a day. After a span of 14 and 28 days, pain severity was assessed for all patients. Remarkably, the results indicated that turmeric, the natural spice, was on par with the popular NSAID in reducing knee pain and inflammation. Notably, the turmeric group experienced fewer adverse side effects, highlighting the remarkable efficacy of this spice.

Incorporating turmeric into your daily routine is not only beneficial but also versatile. Turmeric powder seamlessly blends into smoothies, adding both flavor and health benefits. For optimal absorption of curcumin, pair your turmeric with a source of fat. Whether it’s mixing it with milk or incorporating avocado into your smoothie, enhancing fat content enhances curcumin absorption.

Indulging in warm turmeric milk offers another delightful option. Prepare this soothing concoction by whisking together 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk, 1 tablespoon of honey (optional), 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, a pinch of black pepper, and freshly grated ginger. Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes. This golden elixir not only pleases the palate but also serves as a comforting way to incorporate the benefits of turmeric into your daily routine.

Bone broth

A Gut-Healing Elixir

Undoubtedly, you’ve encountered bone broth as the foundational element in savory soups or savored its warmth on a chilly winter day. This concoction, crafted from simmering the bones and connective tissues of various animals, has transcended its culinary origins to emerge as a health elixir, celebrated for its rich concentration of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids that contribute to a flourishing gut microbiome.

Samantha Presicci, MSN, RD, LD, a registered dietitian at Fond Bone Broth, emphasizes, “Our paramount defense against chronic inflammation lies in the health of our gut.” A compromised gut can pave the way for a condition known as “leaky gut,” where the gut lining becomes compromised, permitting harmful substances to infiltrate the bloodstream and incite inflammation, as outlined in a review in the journal Gut. Notably, bone broth stands out for its abundance of collagen, gelatin, glycine, glutamine, and hydroxyproline—elements supported by numerous clinical studies attesting to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Collagen plays a pivotal role in nourishing the intestinal lining, while gelatin exhibits the ability to absorb water, aiding in maintaining the mucous layer that safeguards the gut from microbial contact with the intestinal lining. In the realm of digestion and absorption, bone broth proves to be gentle on a compromised gut, facilitating the assimilation of its amino acids and minerals for a healing effect.

As an evolving narrative, this story, initially published on June 12, 2022, undergoes a rejuvenation process with additional content, meticulous proofreading, enhanced research, and updated contextual links to offer a more comprehensive exploration of the merits of bone broth as a gut-healing elixir.

What is the fastest way to reduce inflammation in the body?

Optimal Strategies for Swift Inflammation Reduction in the Body

Curious about the quickest route to alleviate inflammation in your body? Embrace these six actionable tips to pave the way:

  1. Embrace Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Indulge in a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods. Prioritize fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, and nuts, harnessing the power of their inherent anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Trim Down or Omit Inflammatory Foods: Streamline your diet by reducing or eliminating sources of inflammation. Bid farewell to processed foods, sugary treats, and excessive consumption of red meat to curtail inflammatory triggers.
  3. Regulate Blood Sugar: Exercise vigilance over your blood sugar levels. Opt for complex carbohydrates, high-fiber foods, and lean proteins to maintain stable blood sugar, contributing to inflammation control.
  4. Incorporate Regular Exercise: Dedicate time to incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Exercise serves as a potent catalyst for reducing inflammation, promoting overall well-being.
  5. Weight Management: Initiate steps towards achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Shedding excess pounds not only enhances your physical health but also plays a pivotal role in inflammation reduction.
  6. Stress Management: Prioritize stress management techniques in your daily life. Engage in activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep-breathing exercises to mitigate stress, a common contributor to inflammation.

By integrating these practices into your lifestyle, you can embark on a transformative journey towards quelling inflammation in your body. Your well-being is within reach through mindful dietary choices, physical activity, and stress mitigation.

What is the 1 best drink to reduce inflammation?

Discover the Top Drink for Inflammation Reduction: Unveiling the Ultimate Elixir

Seeking the premier beverage to combat inflammation? Unveil the unrivaled elixir that takes the crown:

Lemon and Turmeric Tonic: A Potent Anti-Inflammatory Fusion

Embark on a journey of wellness with the dynamic combination of lemon and turmeric. This refreshing tonic stands out as the #1 drink renowned for its inflammation-reducing prowess. Let’s delve into the harmonious blend of these two ingredients:

Key Components:

  1. Lemon: Packed with vitamin C, lemons offer a powerful antioxidant punch that aids in diminishing oxidative stress, a key driver of inflammation.
  2. Turmeric: Featuring curcumin, a potent anti-inflammatory compound, turmeric has been a staple in holistic wellness for its ability to alleviate inflammation.

How to Prepare: Crafting this inflammation-fighting elixir is a breeze:

  • Squeeze the juice of fresh lemons into a glass.
  • Integrate a teaspoon of ground turmeric, ensuring a generous dose of curcumin.
  • Optionally, add a touch of honey for sweetness and additional anti-inflammatory properties.


  1. Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouse: Curcumin in turmeric targets inflammatory pathways, offering relief from various inflammatory conditions.
  2. Vitamin C Boost: Lemon enhances immune function, supporting the body’s natural defenses against inflammation.

By embracing the Lemon and Turmeric Tonic as your go-to beverage, you not only savor a delightful drink but also proactively combat inflammation, fostering holistic well-being. Elevate your wellness journey with this extraordinary elixir!

What is the strongest natural anti-inflammatory?

In the quest for the most formidable natural anti-inflammatory agents, nature unfolds its arsenal of potent remedies. Explore these mighty warriors that stand out for their efficacy in combating inflammation:

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Oceanic Emissaries of Inflammation Relief

  • Source: Abundantly found in fatty fish like salmon and tuna, Omega-3 fatty acids emerge as one of the most robust natural anti-inflammatory supplements.
  • Benefits: Bolstering cellular health, Omega-3s wield unparalleled anti-inflammatory prowess, contributing to overall well-being.

2. Curcumin: The Golden Healer

  • Source: Hailing from turmeric, curcumin is a golden compound revered for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Benefits: A potent modulator of inflammatory pathways, curcumin showcases remarkable efficacy in alleviating various inflammatory conditions.

3. S-adenosylmethionine: A Biochemical Balancer

  • Benefits: As a naturally occurring compound in the body, S-adenosylmethionine plays a crucial role in maintaining biochemical balance, thereby contributing to anti-inflammatory mechanisms.

4. Zinc: Micronutrient Guardian

  • Benefits: Beyond its immune-boosting capabilities, zinc acts as a micronutrient guardian, participating in anti-inflammatory activities to fortify bodily defenses.

5. Green Tea: Nature’s Elixir of Calm

  • Benefits: Laden with antioxidants, green tea emerges as a soothing elixir, effectively counteracting inflammation and promoting holistic wellness.

6. Frankincense: Ancient Remedy for Modern Woes

  • Benefits: Steeped in historical significance, frankincense possesses anti-inflammatory properties, offering relief and promoting balance.

7. Capsaicin: Fiery Defender Against Inflammation

  • Benefits: Found in chili peppers, capsaicin not only adds spice but also acts as a fiery defender, alleviating inflammation through its unique mechanisms.

8. Cat’s Claw: Nature’s Claws Against Inflammation

  • Benefits: Derived from a tropical vine, cat’s claw unveils its anti-inflammatory potential, aiding in the relief of various inflammatory conditions.

Harness the potency of these natural wonders to fortify your body against inflammation. Integrating these elements into your lifestyle opens the door to a holistic approach to well-being, guided by the wisdom of nature’s formidable allies.

Can drinking water reduce inflammation?

How Adequate Hydration Empowers Your Body to Combat Inflammation

Embracing the simple yet powerful act of staying hydrated can be a game-changer in your journey toward reducing inflammation and promoting overall well-being. Here’s how the elixir of life, water, emerges as a formidable ally in the fight against inflammation.

Hydration: Your Shield Against Inflammation

In the dynamic symphony of bodily functions, hydration takes center stage as a crucial player in the battle against inflammation. Here’s how water becomes your secret weapon:

1. Flushing Out Toxins: A Cleansing Cascade

  • Mechanism: Adequate hydration operates as a natural detoxifier, orchestrating the expulsion of toxins that may fuel inflammatory processes within the body.
  • Benefit: By maintaining a well-hydrated state, you create a cleansing cascade, ridding your system of elements that contribute to inflammation.

2. Joint Lubrication: Fluidity for Optimal Function

  • Mechanism: Water acts as a lubricant for joints, ensuring they move with fluidity and grace.
  • Benefit: Proper joint lubrication not only enhances mobility but also serves as a preventive measure against conditions like gout, contributing to inflammation reduction.

3. Connective Tissue Oasis: Nourishing from Within

  • Mechanism: The majority of our body’s water is stored in connective tissues, including tendons and ligaments.
  • Benefit: Adequate water intake transforms these tissues into a hydration oasis, promoting their health and resilience, ultimately fortifying the body’s defense against inflammation.

Incorporating Hydration into Your Lifestyle: Practical Tips

  • Sip Smart: Make water consumption a consistent habit throughout the day, opting for small sips to maintain hydration levels.
  • Infuse with Flavor: Elevate your hydration experience by infusing water with natural flavors like citrus fruits or refreshing herbs.

Conclusion: A Hydrated Journey to Wellness By recognizing water as a potent tool in your anti-inflammatory arsenal, you embark on a journey where hydration becomes more than a routine – it becomes a conscious act of self-care. Elevate your well-being, sip by sip, and let hydration be the catalyst for a vibrant, inflammation-resistant life.


  • Paul Allison

    Hey folks! I'm Paul R. Allison, a blog writer weaving words through the streets of New Jersey. I was born in 1988 in this beautiful state, and ever since, I've been living harmoniously with words. Since childhood, my life has been intertwined with words and stories. I loved literature classes in school, and I was fascinated by the power of words. The atmosphere of New Jersey nurtured this passion and encouraged me to tread the path of becoming a writer. During my university years, I developed a deeper love for playing with words through my creative writing education. That's when my interest in blogging began. Blogging became a journey of self-discovery for me. Each post was a part of expressing myself, making people think, and connecting with my readers. Before starting my career, I gained experience in different fields. These experiences enriched my writing and led me to think from various perspectives. I tried to learn from every moment, adding depth to my writings. When I started blogging, my goal was to create an intimate space. I aimed to connect with my readers by sharing my own life experiences and inner thoughts. Like a wanderer strolling through the streets of New Jersey, I paint pictures with words and invite you to this enchanting adventure. Words are my passion, and writing is an adventure. In every post, I hope to encourage my readers to think, laugh, and maybe learn to navigate life's complexities together. Until the next post, see you!

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